Sunday, November 26, 2017

Miracle From Heaven

Just finished watching the movie MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN.  What a great movie to watch during this Thanksgiving holiday!  Did it bring tears to my eyes?  Yes, yes and yes!  After watching this movie, I wanted to immediately get up and ask others --- Have you ever had a Miracle from Heaven?  I have, and here's my story:

Had a really rough pregnancy once upon a time.  I had to be put on bed rest.  During this time, while going to visit my doctor for my monthly visit, I fell down a flight of stairs --- all the way to the bottom of the stairs. After being rushed to the hospital I was told(my baby (hat I had so hoped for after trying several times) would come three months early.  Not good!  The doctor came in to tell us that she had a 50/50 chance of surviving and that she would probably have brain damage.  What an awful thing to say to a patient I thought (all the time saying the 23rd Psalm in my mind).  The neonatologist was summoned about ten minutes later to tell me that my baby would come early but that everything looked great. He went on to say she would be a little small - around four (4) pounds! The 23rd Psalm raced back in my mind again!  Thank you God I said to myself.
        Yes, she is here now and her name is Faith (My Miracle from Heaven).

Have you had a miracle from Heaven?  What is your miracle?

Remember to F.O.C.U.S. and that Success is your Destiny!  Always!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

SUCCESS IS YOUR DESTINY: Star Thrower: Making a Difference

SUCCESS IS YOUR DESTINY: Star Thrower: Making a Difference:           I recently saw a documentary entitled “Start Throwers”.   I went on to read a few excerpts from the Loren Eiseley story with t...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Poised for Self Leadership First!

Most people think of leadership in the corporate capacity.  However, leadership starts with self-leadership.  There are so many folks that are leading others, and cannot REALLY lead themselves! They do not know how, which is sometimes why many business fail.  Wow, what a revelation!

Ask yourself these questions
 - Who am I?
 - What can I do?
 - What can I do well?
 - Am I living my purpose?

Self leadership has been defined in several ways, however, I like this one:  "Influencing oneself to be the best they can be and achieving and obtaining your goals.

Self-leadership is the foundation for Leadership Development...intentionally!

Here are a few Self-Leadership Nuggets:

1. Focus on a worthwhile business or personal goal
    You have to have some direction or goal, otherwise you going nowhere FAST!

2. Find your Voice
    Sometimes this is hard to do; do not keep silent if you feel you have something worthwhile to say
    or add to the BIGGER picture.  Speak your truth, and be authentic!

3. Be resilient - otherwise defeat can rear its ugly head, and can do it quickly.  Bounce back!

    You only have one life to live--Live it loving yourself first so that you can love others!  Have
    fun.  Make that DASH in the middle of your life come ALIVE!

Remember, Success Is Your Destiny!

Dr. Sandra-Louise Wright

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

SUCCESS IS YOUR DESTINY: Changing Your Mind...??

SUCCESS IS YOUR DESTINY: Changing Your Mind...??: Just thinking about something I really love doing...writing!   I love writing so much that I would do it for free for an organization.  I re...

Changing Your Mind...??

Just thinking about something I really love doing...writing!   I love writing so much that I would do it for free for an organization.  I really do!  This is my passion!

Why, then am I writing a BLOG on Changing Your Mind?  Here's the thing...I did CHANGE MY MIND.  At first I thought I was changing it because of someone else's comment.  I have written several screenplays and asked a trusted friend to review it.  NOTICE I SAID THE WORD WRITING...right?  They came back with some very constructive criticism.  Loving constructive criticism  But, who loves criticism, even if it is constructive and loving?  I thought I was okay with CC, but I changed my mind this time.  It JUST wasn't what I wanted to hear.  I wanted this person to RANT AND RAVE over my writing!  I wanted them to SHOUT out to the world, YOU ROCK!  YOU GO GIRL!  Didn't happen...just didn't happen!  My bubble and balloon(s) BURST.  Both Bubble and Balloons had water in them and spilled all over me! Whew!

After taking it all in, I realized, I needed to change directions, and I did change my mind!  This person was the reader of my screenplay...the possible person that might go see the show if and when GOD blesses me and releases this screenplay to (uuummm) maybe Tyler Perry.  Hope you read this Tyler (Mr. T.P).  Sometimes changing your mind can elevate you to a path of greatness...I know that is what I am trying to pursue - Greatness!  Greatness in my writing.  Greatness comes with mistakes and constructive criticism.  AND, changing your mind even when you think that you are right!

Always remember, Success if Your Destiny and  F.O.C.U.S!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

2017 - My Turn

I have heard the term, it may not be my time, but it is my turn.  With all the madness that has been happening this year, good things are still happening.  I do not despair about the uncontrollable ...I simply recite to myself the SERENITY prayer.  I sometimes add my own verses to this prayer to make it specific to my needs and desires.

Yes, I feel it is my turn, and it is NOW!  So much goodness has appeared in my life recently.  I felt that it appeared magically because it seemed to have appeared so fast.  But wait, haven't I been pounding the streets, talking to folks everywhere, and NETWORKING my "blessed assurance" off!  It is quite true, FAITH without WORKS is dead!  So, yes, I have been working as well as having faith too-the faith of a mustard seed.  IT IS MY TURN because of my persistence and determination.  As I close, I remember a quote from Colin Powell who I admire immensely:  A dream doesn't become a reality through magic, it takes great determination and hard work!

Stay F.O.C.U.S. (ed) and remember SUCCESS IS YOUR DESTINY!