Tuesday, January 4, 2022

No New Year's Resolutions, Please, NONE!

As I am sitting here writing and thinking about all of the New Year's Resolution that have missed the mark in my life, I have decided not to make not ONE more New Year's Resolution.  By March, I would not have accomplished not one of them, nor did I even try.  New Year's Resolutions put you on the track for failure and NO, NO, NO, I will not do that!  Not this Year!  

I'm taking it one day at a time and telling the UNIVERSE this is what I have in mind for my life in the NEW YEAR!  Yes, you do have to reach out to the Universe and make your feelings known so that your words will not return to you void!  So many times, I made resolutions but did not speak them into existence.

I speak my spiritual truths so that they can manifest instead of looking at a whole boatload of New Year's Resolutions.  

As I begin this new year (it is the January 4th), I feel I have so much to offer the world and that is what I am going to do!  I once heard that the rent that you pay for being here on earth is your service to others--how can I serve others within this universe?  As I stated, I am taking it one day at a time and during this time I can hear a small voice telling me and directing me on my path to service.  As I serve others, I know that I will be blessed as well...that's what HAPPENS!  It's not about circumstance, it is about the voice of manifestation and victory.  

I don't want to have the GRASSHOPPER effect...looking at the giants in the new land and feeling like I am a grasshopper!  No, No, No--:I am the giant ready to SLAY at any time, any place, and any where in order for my truths to become a reality.  I don't want my talents to be caged and imprisoned within me.  No, No, No!

Speak what you want into existence--there is power in the word!  No more New Year's Resolution, just powerful words that will not return to you void!

Always remember, Success is your Destiny as long as you
F.O.C.U.S. in this New Year (Follow On Course Until Success). Have a great and prosperous forever!

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