Wednesday, January 15, 2014


As we prepare for our daily dose of success, we get so excited because feel everything that we ask for will be a “YES”!  Believe me that is the right attitude.  But what happens when a “NO” comes flying or racing through the door that we have opened for success.  A “NO” when it was something that you felt was critically important to the next step in your journey.  “NO” doesn’t mean that we should necessarily stop…sometimes “NO” just mean that we have to pause and rethink our strategy.

 When you decided to take that path to success, were your strategies aligned with that step?  When “YES” arrives frequently, we look baffled and confused when “NO” surfaces.  Many individuals can’t handle “NO”.  The self-blame game starts to take up space or rent in our heads.  Then the party starts; the pity party that is!  Rather than walking in self pity and bitterness, “get up, get the tissue or the drink (ummm…well maybe not the drink) you bought to the party and toss it out!  Get up and be grateful. 

 If you had no strategies, write some right now!  If you indeed had some, rethink them for clarity.  But most of all, be thankful for all of the “YES”(s) in the past!

 There is an unlimited supply of resources out there for you to grasp.  The “NO” in your life may be a way of turning your focus on those unlimited supplies you never thought about or noticed before.  Here are some steps to focus on:

 Have an attitude of gratitude
  1. Don’t be held hostage by materialism and negative elements
  2. Be still
  3. Network your way into new opportunities
  4. Take your “eye” off the “NO”(s) and remember step one
F.O.C.U.S. and remember, Success Is Your Destiny!

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